Love, Joy, Peace...
Food Pantry & Crisis Donations
Thank you for your support!
Faith Action Ministry
FAM (Faith Action Ministry) is our food pantry here at Pitman Nazarene. There are many ways you can help with our ministry, you can: Donate- Donations can be dropped off at the bench in the church lobby. Pray- Pray that Fam is led to those in need, that we are good stewards, and wise in how we show God's love. Pray also for the families FAM serves, that their needs be met and their hearts open to the love of Jesus. Volunteer- Deliver meals to those in need or sort donations. Thank you for supporting your local community!
Crisis Care Kits

Our denomination collects Crisis Care Kits to send to those affected by natural or man-made disasters. 
These kits don’t solve all the problems, but they offer immediate support and a message of hope: 
“We see you, and help is on the way.”

How You Can Help: 
You can make a difference by assembling a Crisis Care Kit and dropping it off at our church. 
Each kit must contain the following items, in the specified sizes and quantities
to ensure they can be shipped efficiently and accepted by customs:

1 Shampoo (12-18oz) – taped closed

2 Bars of Soap (bath size)

1 Tube of Toothpaste (4.0 - 6.4oz)

3 Toothbrushes (in original packaging)

1 Box of Band-aids (30ct or more)

1 Fingernail Clipper

1 Sturdy Hair Comb

2 Hand Towels

4 Pocket-Size Facial Tissue packs

1 Beanie Baby Size Stuffed Toy

These kits are sent worldwide through the Philadelphia District of the Church of the Nazarene 

to people in crisis. Your donations provide essential supplies to those in need, and more importantly, 

they offer a message of care and compassion in the midst of disaster.

Crisis Care Kits | sac-compassion-cente