Love, Joy, Peace...

Hi! I am Pastor Shane and I joined with Pitman Church of the Nazarene on April 3rd, 2022. Prior to being called to Pitman, I served as the lead pastor of a Nazarene church just outside Milwaukee, WI. I am excited to be here and excited to meet people around Pitman. God has given me a heart for people; I love to hear their stories and to speak God’s grace, redemption, and healing into their lives. When I am not leading a worship service, studying scripture, or tending to the needs of our church family, you’ll often find me out and about Pitman interacting with people and seeking out ways to serve our community. In my off time I love spending time outdoors with my wife, Joely, our two daughters, and our two dogs walking, hiking, geocaching, and exploring.

I hope to see you around the borough; if you see me first feel free to say hi, I'd love to meet you!


Phone: (856) 244-8071